Monday, October 11, 2010

Portland Marathon Finisher!

Today is Monday yesterday was Sunday October 10th 2010 the day of the Portland Marathon. The weather was typical Portland weather, POURING rain. I woke up around 4:30 am to get downtown and be able to park without having to worry too much. Everything went according to plan.

Once I was downtown I had a little more food and got into my nice pre race outfit, the garbage bag, to try and keep me warm and dry. I waited around for the race to start and there were gusts of wind and lots of rain! Then at 7am the first wave went, I was in the 3rd wave and off we went a few minutes later.

I ran and ran in the rain there was a drum line at the start that was great, and at mile five I started encountering problems. I had to stop stretch and take some Advil. Then at mile 12 or 12.5 I had to stop and stretch again. This was the story for the rest of the marathon. Go a mile walk a little stop stretch out the IT band and run again.

I did not get discouraged. Once I trekked up to the St. John's bridge (mile 17) I knew I was going to make it, in pain but I was going to make it.

I ran some more, stretched some more and finished in 4 hours 34 minutes. I was aiming for 4 hours but hey it took me 30 minutes longer nothing to be ashemed of, it was a great day!


  1. Here is the forecast from GFS

  2. I am very happy for you, you made a commitment and stuck to it, good job. Someday I'm going to write my blog about my training for a marathon too.
    I was in England & France for the last 2 weeks and I ran in my Oregon Triathlon shirt there!
