Monday, March 8, 2010

Running 8 miles

On today's triathlon workout menu is a 75 minute endurance run. I have not run that long in a very very long time I am guessing since I should pace myself it will be about 8 miles. I am going to leave on the run soon but I am already starting to worry myself with questions like will I be able to do it? I know I can and I know that most of the battle is psychological so I am really trying to think positive.

Last week I ran for 1 hour 5 minutes and felt great afterwards but wished I had brought some sort of electrolight with me so I will be bringing electrolights with me today. It is a little chilly today and a tad bit windy but I should be fine.

In terms of distance, I am happy because if I do end up running 8 miles today then I only have to add 5.1 more miles to have completed the Hippie Chick Half marathon distance. I am really looking forward to getting closer to that distance. ok I will let you know how it went!

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